Ah, the new year, a time to return to work with fresh eyes and full hearts after some holiday time away spent with family and friends.
So…what’s new, New Year?
Well, to start, it’s kind of a big year for us here — 2025 is Vaniman’s 40th anniversary!
That’s right, this company was established allll the way back in 1985 — the auspicious age of MTV, Marty McFly, and those really early Apple computers with the big floppy disks.

And you know what they say: the more things change, the more they stay the same!
Vaniman’s technology has improved over time, and our product lineup has certainly expanded. We started with a single product developed in a home garage in Southern California to a wide range of dust collectors, air cleaners, sandblasters, and myriad accessories in a professional factory with global distribution.

But through it all, what has changed about our values? Nothing.
We still make products designed to solve problems. That’s been true since day one, and it’s true today.
Our products are on every continent (well, not Antarctica…yet), but we are an American manufacturing company, still making products right here in Southern California. That’s never changed and it never will.
Our commitment to customer service is unwavering, and only gets stronger the more we grow as a company. When you reach out to Vaniman, you get a human being every time. (Even our website’s “chatbot” basically just says hello and then you get a human on the line as quickly as possible.)
Vaniman’s decades-long reputation reliable quality and equipment that lasts for a long, long time is no fluke — quality manufacturing has been the goal from the beginning, and continues to be the goal today. Our processes may change to adjust to the world, but we never sacrifice on quality and we never punish our customers.
So here at the start of 2025, as Vaniman officially turns middle-aged, we don’t have “resolutions” — we have recommitments. There will be challenges. Some will be unique to Vaniman, and some will be shared challenges. We intend to meet them all with the same forward-facing approach that has made Vaniman successful for four decades strong.
We’ll continue to refine our processes to increase quality output without sacrificing performance or reliability.
We’ll continue to build our product lineup with foundationally sound design principles developed over the years.
We’ll continue to collaborate with partners new and old.
And we’ll see you out in the world! We’re planning to be at some trade shows this year, and if you’re there, too, then we’d love to talk with you awhile! First up on the calendar is LAB DAY in Chicago this February, also celebrating its 40th birthday. We just can’t wait!
So here’s to a productive and successful 2025 with all of you out there. Thank you for forty great years so far, let’s do forty more!