OSAP Moderator: Nancy Dewhirst, RDH

Nancy Dewhirst, RDH is a nationally recognized speaker, writer, and dental safety advocate. She presents interactive and hands-on clinics across the country focusing on infection control, disaster preparedness, OSHA training, and more. She is also adjunct faculty at West Coast University in Anaheim, CA, focusing on Oral Pathology and Infection Control in the Department of Dental […]

OSAP Panelist: Don Vaniman, Vaniman Manufacturing Co.

Don Vaniman, President of Vaniman Manufacturing Co., has been engineering clean air and work environments for 25 years, from an early focus in product design and R&D to running an international business with customers in a wide range of industries and locations. Vaniman Manufacturing Co. is a family business, founded in 1985 by first asking […]

OSAP Panelist: Dr. Shelly Miller, PhD

Dr. Shelly Miller, PhD is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder in the Mechanical Engineering Department, and a faculty member of the interdisciplinary Environmental Engineering Program, teaching at both graduate and undergraduate levels. She researches indoor air quality (IAQ), assesses exposures to air pollutants, and develops and evaluates IAQ control […]

OSAP Panelist: Dr. Kimberly Prather, PhD

Dr. Kimberly Prather, PhD is a well regarded and highly honored American Atmospheric Chemist. Presently she is a Distinguished Professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California, San Diego, as well as Founding Director of the NSF Center for Aerosol Impacts on Chemistry of the Environment; Distinguished Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry; […]

Researchers find that regular teeth brushing may prevent cancer.

Researchers at Duke Medical School studying cancer mutations find that Colibactin, produced by the bacteria Escherichia coli, appear to trigger DNA mutation. Escherichia coli, normally found in the colon, also appeared in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma and other dental infections. The study performed found that patients with non-inherited colorectal polyps showed similar mutation […]

Disinfectant fogging for dental offices: is it safe?

disinfectant fogging in dental offices

Disinfectant Fogging has become one of the latest methods being employed in the battle against infection control in the dental office. But is it safe? To answer this question, we reviewed the latest research and commentary from chemical engineers. EPA and CDC guidance for disinfectant fogging. It’s important to note that only Hydrogen Peroxide is […]

WHO Ruffles Dentists Suggesting Postponed Dental Treatment – ADA Responds

WHO Press Release Dental ADA Response

On an August 11th press release, the WHO recommended that non-emergency dental care be postponed during COVID-19 to mitigate the risks posed by aerosol generating procedures.  WHO’s Chief Dental Office, Benoit Varenne, DDS, MPH, PHD, suggest urgent and emergency dental care should be prioritized followed by non-aerosol generating procedures. Varenne stated, “WHO guidance recommends in […]

Screening Patients for COVID-19 Symptoms? They May Still Be Infectious.

patient screening covid-19

Recent research published July 2020 testing over 32,480 residents and staff from nursing homes and assisted living facilities in Massachusetts “found strikingly similar distributions of viral load in patients with or without symptoms at the time of testing…”  Subjects were swabbed from April 9th to June 9th under the direction of MA Department of Public […]

Resurgence of COVID-19: The top 10 states with increasing cases.

The news has been overwhelmed with stories about a resurgence in COVID-19 cases.  As a side effect, some states are beginning to backtrack on reopening plans. Multiple news stories have been released which point to several states in particular that are experiencing an increase in new COVID-19 cases. We decided to dig past the headlines […]