The Master Problast Titan: Vaniman’s Largest Sandblaster Ever (So Far)

Introducing the Master Problast Titan. Text reads: Sometimes you just have to go big...

At Vaniman, innovation drives us to excel. Sometimes that means going big. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce the Master Problast Titan, our largest and most capable sandblaster to date. Designed primarily for aerospace, but also with a range of industries and high-volume users in mind, the Master Problast Titan delivers unparalleled performance, precision, and […]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022

Each year, Vaniman holds a fundraising event to support Michelle’s Place, a local non-profit organization which provides resources and support to the breast cancer community.

Since 2000, Michelle’s Place Cancer Resource Center has been a beacon of personal support, knowledge, and assistance for individuals and families impacted by breast cancer.